The Women who saved Moses (tune: ‘Dorking’)
His mother had to let him go,
trusting a greater good.
She saved him from a certain death,
but gave up motherhood.
His sister came to stand and care,
grown up beyond her years.
She watched and waited patiently,
whilst holding back the tears.
A slave girl pulled him from the reeds,
thereby made history.
Without a voice, without a name,
A powerless mystery.
The Princess came to free her life,
she wanted just to ‘be’;
by rescuing the baby boy
she helped set Israel free.
Its God who formed and wove the plan,
gave all their part to play.
God purposes and owns the whole –
and so it is today.
We give ourselves O God to you,
we want to do your will.
Our lives are in your perfect trust,
you weave your patterns still.
© Jacqui Horton 2009