Jesus was walking
with crowds of people,
when he looked upwards
into a tree.
“Come down Zacchaeus,
I want to meet you,
show me your house – for
I’ll come to tea.”
“Look at Zacchaeus”,
cried all the people.
“When will that taxman
pay for his crime?
Why is the Teacher
making him special,
off’ring him friendship,
giving him time?”
Next thing, Zacchaeus
made an announcement:
“I will give money
straight to the poor.
I will pay back the
people I’ve cheated,
I’m changed forever –
swindler no more!”
We, like Zacchaeus
hope to see Jesus.
We too are needing –
tea to arrange.
But we can always
talk to our Saviour;
He is close to us,
inviting change.
Jesus, we’d like to
know you much better.
We want to serve you
and play our part.
Help us to put right
all that’s unhealthy,
Help us to give you
all of our heart.
© Jacqui A Horton 2010