Or does it just seem that way?
Is the milky way clearer and more visible on Iona than in other places?
Or does it just seem that way?
Are there more shades of blue and turquoise in the Iona Sound than in other seas?
Or does it just seem that way?
Are there more rainbows seen on Iona than in other parts of the world?
Or does it just seem that way?
Is the Iona air more intense and the Iona light more bright than other air and other light?
Or does it just seem that way?
Is Iona really a ‘thin place’ where the natural and supernatural meet each other easily?
Or does it just seem that way?
Have I been more real and more truly myself on Iona than in other places in my past?
Or does it just seem that way?
© Jacqui Horton 2006